Don't Skip The Commercials!

Event at Commons Park will feature the very best of the best local ads
There was a time when Minneapolis-based ads were known as “Minneapolis Cute”—an affectionate term coined by judges at national advertising shows in the 1980s referring to the fresh, new and unique style produced by up-and-coming agencies in the Twin Cities area. It was a time when Minneapolis was not yet known for producing hit commercials but began showcasing its creativity one spot at a time.
Doug Spong remembers it well. The founder of The Doug Spong Co. is in his 35th year in the advertising business, and he recalls back in the 1980s and 1990s how local agencies began making names for themselves and the creative community as a whole with their wit, humor and philosophy on advertising.
Back then, Minneapolis agencies were making their name. Now, they’re maintaining their reputation as a national power.
“Most Minnesotans have no idea how large and robust the creative economy is in Minneapolis,” Spong said. “There are roughly 50,000 talented professionals who make their living in the commercial arts. Minneapolis ranks among the Top 7 creative markets in the U.S. and boasts some of the most award-winning agencies in the world.
To help celebrate our booming local creative industry, the Minneapolis Downtown Council in partnership with AdFed MN and Intersections: The Downtown 2025 Plan Downtown Experience Committee are hosting Northbest: Ads of Minnesota on Thursday, September 22 at The Commons. The event is free and open to the public, will include food trucks and beverages on hand, and will showcase the very best of the best in the local creative community.
Beginning at 8 pm, a 60-minute highlight reel of locally-produced advertisements will provide a look at some of the nationally- and internationally-recognized commercials that were born right here in the Minneapolis area.
There were 138 advertisements submitted for this event by 19 different creative agencies, and of that group a curation committee comprised of Spong, Sue Crolick, Nancy Rice and Steve Wehrenberg selected roughly an hour’s worth—27 individual ads—of the very best commercials to be part of Northbest.
“There are global brands that bring their advertising creative needs to Minneapolis agencies, including leading automotive brands such as Subaru, fast-casual restaurants like Arby’s, retail work for Target and a host of local and regional brands that are Minnesota favorites,” Spong said. “See for yourself the inspiring ideas and creative execution that stir a love affair between consumers and brands.”
Our local creative community and its overall reputation has been built up by workers at ad agencies, design studios, PR firms, digital shops, production houses plus countless freelance writers, designers, art directors, animators, video editors, broadcast producers, print producers, digital producers and more.
Periscope, one of the local creative agencies here in the Minneapolis area, designed the Northbest and came up with naming ideas for the event. Periscope, very involved with AdFed and a supporter of the local energy within the creative community, was excited to join in on the action.
“I think most people will be surprised at the amazing work that has been created right here in their own back yard,” Periscope business development manager Brittany Hestad said. “Great advertising has been here for 50-plus years. The general public will be proud to see this.”
With so many successful local businesses in the Minneapolis area, the creative industry has a strong foundation to build upon.
“The creative community of Minneapolis is extremely strategic and business-minded,” Hestad said. “We have 17 of the Fortune 500 companies here. It’s the heart of retail. Being exposed to that business enables us to root our creativity in solutions, helping to solve real business problems. We are a vibrant community—it’s a tight network that continues to grow.”
Spong originally brainstormed this event two years ago and has seen it come to life. Now, on September 22, he’ll be on hand as our local creative community is recognized for its hard work and continued excellence.
“Someone will have to wipe the smile of anticipation off my face the moment the reel starts in The Commons,” Spong said. “Having already viewed and curated the 27 pieces of creative work, I will be watching the faces of the crowd to see their reaction to our city’s creative product.”
Reprinted with permission from the Minneapolis Downtown Council