DID Launches 2021 Safety Plan

Via a February 3 Press Release from the Mpls Downtown Improvement District
The plan provides wrap around support for downtown Minneapolis
The Mpls Downtown Improvement District (DID) today announced a new partnership with Hennepin County to add a social worker as part of the DID Livability Team’s ongoing work. The position will help more effectively address a range of mental health and chemical dependency issues throughout downtown.
This new partnership aligns with the full unveiling of the DID’s 2021 safety plan—a robust, five-tiered approach made possible by $3.5 million worth of investments from downtown property owners focusing on overall safety measures, activity, and collaboration.
The DID safety plan will bring members of the public, private, and non-profit sectors together throughout the year providing a variety of resources that, together, build a cohesively vibrant downtown experience. The plan has begun rolling out and all tactics are expected to be deployed prior to this summer.
“We strongly believe it takes full collaboration to build confidence in downtown’s safety, and that includes community outreach, law enforcement, communication with our downtown stakeholders and street level activations,” said Steve Cramer, President & CEO of the Mpls Downtown Improvement District. “This plan is thorough, brings a great deal of expertise together and is a unified effort in providing public safety to our downtown community.”
The plans five focus areas include:
- Communications and collaborations
- Security presence and response
- Livability outreach and street engagement
- Advocacy for a safer downtown
- Activation, vibrancy, and crime prevention
Outreach and security presence are cornerstones of this safety plan. The security presence and response plan includes DID Ambassadors, dedicated downtown patrol, added Joint Beats presence, and more.
In addition to the new Hennepin County social worker, the plan includes street outreach engagement through the DID Livability Team, YouthLink, Youth Coordinating Board, St. Stephen’s, Office of Violence Prevention Outreach Interrupters and MAD DADS.
To further enhance communication, the plan will include the DID Safety Communications Center at the First Precinct coordinating with a network of law enforcement, outreach teams and private security. RadioLink, security meetings, downtown safety workshops and more will be part of the communications plan.
Vibrant streets make safe streets, so activations are part of the safety plan. This year’s activation plans, subject to public health guidelines throughout the year, include the Nicollet Farmers Market, Nicollet Maker Market, street show music performances, Street Eats incubator food cart program, MN Fringe Beyond the Box performances, MNSpin, and more.
For more information, visit www.MplsDID.com or follow @MplsDID on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
About the Mpls Downtown Improvement District
The Mpls Downtown Improvement District (DID) is a business funded non-profit focused on creating a more vibrant downtown. DID leads and collaborates on programs that make downtown safer, cleaner, and greener. DID convenes people across sectors and jurisdictions to work on issues of mutual interest; develop innovative solutions to complex public space challenges/opportunities including strategic activation and seeks continuous improvement of ongoing programs including the ambassadors.