Cub FOODS Distributes 2,000 Thanksgiving Meals for People Serving People families as Part of Unity in Community Campaign

The holidays are a time when families look to celebrate the joy of the season with a traditional turkey meal that includes all of the trimmings. But for those living on the fringes of homelessness and hunger, it’s difficult to envision securing even the simplest of meals.
This Thanksgiving season, thanks to Cub FOODS, 2,000 free turkey meals will be distributed to formerly homeless families and clients of People Serving People (PSP), Simpson Housing Services, Project Pride for Living and St. Stephen’s Human Services at a special distribution event.
During a November 21 event at People Serving People, 150 families, many of whom used to stay at PSP, were invited to recieve frozen turkeys and dinner ingredients. Hundreds more families who did not attend the event will receive gift certificates.
“Homeless families have a long journey to stability. Through the “Unity in Community” effort, Cub is helping PSP and our partner organizations give these families hope for tomorrow and a good start on the road to recovery. Indeed, Thanksgiving is the one day where everyone deserves a place at the table,” emphasized Daniel Gumnit, CEO, People Serving People.
Special Guests Included:
- Mr. Sherman Patterson, Policy Aide for Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak
- Cathy Ten Broeke, Coordinator, End Homelessness, Minneapolis/Hennepin County
- Mary Tingerthal, Commissioner, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
MinnPost posted a story yesterday on one of the families attending this event. It's a great example of the difference PSP and events like Unity in Community make.
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