Construction on Minneapolis' First Rooftop Garden Scheduled for People Serving People

People Serving People(PSP), located at 614 South 3rd Street, provides emergency housing and community services that assist families experiencing homelessness in becoming self-sufficient and reconnected with the community.
At the March 21 Chefs for Change fund raising dinner at PSP, we learned about urban gardening and plans for the upcoming PSP Rooftop Garden Project - the first of it's kind in Minneapolis. The garden will be used to grow vegetables and herbs for meals served at PSP. It will also be integrated with their Culinary and Early Childhood Programs.
The evening started with a view of the rooftop prior to start of the project:
We were welcomed by Craig Lewis, President/CEO, and over the course of the evening we heard from people involved with this project. Below, Nick Schneider, a Chef at Spoonriver, presented information on Urban Agriculture in our community and other cities and countries. One example he cited was Growing Power, Incin Milwaukee. Nick will serve as PSP's Project Manager for the Rooftop Garden Project.
Above, Brenda Langton of Spoonriver described the organic courses she and her team created for the evening. She shared her passion on topics such as teaching people the importance of sustainable and organic food production, healthy eating to counter the countries growing rate of obesity, and the Mill City Farmers Market (which Brenda founded in 2006).
Ecological Gardensof Minneapolis has been contracted for the Rooftop Garden Project. Their cornerstone rooftop farm is located in Richfield. Lindsay Rebhan (below), Designer and Project Manager from Ecological Gardens, described the planning and materials needed for this project.
Lindsay explained the various needs and challenges they consider when planning for a harsh environment such as the roof of a 10-story downtown building. That list includes, but is not limited to: Incorporating self-watering containers, maximizing sun angles, raised beds with light soil, onsite composting, "insectory islands" which grow flowers to attract bees and other beneficial insects required for healthy gardening, and trellises for vertical gardening.
Mill City Times plans to post weekly pictures of the project progress from start to finish.
Above, Linnea Tweed, Executive Director of Mill City Commons, spoke about the value of community to Mill City Commons members and Mill City residents, and the importance of being involved with fund raising activities for organizations such as People Serving People.
Amy Jenkins, PSP Director of Development, fielded a Q & A session at the end of the night. One person inquired as to how this project differs from the Central Library roof. Amy explained the library has a "green roof", with the purpose of moderating the building temperature and preventing rain run off from transporting pollutants to the river. That green roof is not constructed to handle food production.
Regarding the Chefs for Change event, Amy stated, "We are excited about how much interest this event generated for the Rooftop Garden. This project is revolutionary in so many ways and will have a positive impact on our community and the families at People Serving People. We look forward to future events that will involve key leaders in our community and an Open House in August to celebrate the harvest.”
Unrelated to the Rooftop Garden Project, I'd like to add a suggestion. As you plan your philanthropic activities this year, please consider contributing items on PSP's ongoing Donation Needs List:
• Alarm Clocks
• Blankets, Quilts, Comforters, Bedspreads
• Feminine hygiene products
• Sleeping bags
• Inflatable mattresses
• Children's books (new or gently used)
• Formula (powdered)
• Strollers
• Diapers (sizes 3 through 6)
• Wipes
• Pull Ups
Also, to get a first hand look at the incredible work being done at PSP, the next 'Arms Around Our Shelter' tour is scheduled for 8:30am to 9:00am on Thursday, March 31. Coffee and breakfast will be served after the tour. You'll see what's being done to help end family homelessness.
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