City Launches 2022 Shared Bike and Scooter Program

The City of Minneapolis has entered into license agreements with three operators - Lyft, Lime, and Spin — to participate in its Shared Bike and Scooter Program launching in mid-April.
To foster greater cooperation and coordination across jurisdictions the City, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, the University of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul issued a joint solicitation for vendors and worked together to review and rank operator proposals.
Under this multi-vendor program, the City of Minneapolis has issued a sole license for bike sharing was issued to Lyft to continue to operate the Nice Ride system with both classic pedal bicycles and electric-assisted bicycles. The City also issued licenses to Lyft, Lime and Spin to operate motorized foot scooters. Negotiations between the operators and other jurisdictions are ongoing.
Equity and safety continue to be key focus areas for the program. As part of the City’s Equity focused requirements, at least 30% of each operator’s scooters must be distributed in Equity Distribution Areas in north and south Minneapolis and a maximum of 40% of each operator’s scooters are allowed downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods.