City Announces June 28 Viewing Event for the Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction Project

Via an e-newsletter from the City of Minneapolis:
Project Gallery - Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction Project
Please stop by Thursday, June 28 for a gallery-style viewing of the Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction Project proposed roadway layout and vision for streetscape enhancements.
The City of Minneapolis is designing the reconstruction of Hennepin Avenue between 12th Street and Washington Avenue. We are excited to show the results of months of public input, stakeholder coordination, and technical analysis on the project. The project will be presented to the Transportation and Public Works Committee and City Council in July 2018, but we want YOU to have a first look.
Stop by for a gallery-style viewing to see how public comment has influenced the proposed roadway layout and vision for streetscape enhancements. City Council approval of the layout in July will set the curb lines and be the base for further design refinement in coming months. The proposed vision for streetscape enhancements sets the stage for continued discussion with property owners to determine the level of investment. See what your input has helped create!
Hennepin Theatre Trust, 900 Hennepin Avenue
Thursday, June 28, anytime between Noon and 5 pm
Construction details including timing and potential closures are not known at this time, but that information will be available by the end of the year.
Visit the project website at (Gallery materials will be posted Friday, June 29.)
Contact the project at or call 844-887-8330.