Call for Contributions: Putting Down Roots Fiber Arts Project at MWMO
Call for Contributions: Putting Down Roots Fiber Arts Project
You are invited to participate in developing Putting Down Roots, a new eco-art exhibit to be on display at the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Use any fiber medium to create a life-sized, 3-dimensional representation of plants for clean water and habitat and/or species that benefit from these plants.
Exhibition Dates: May 23, 2016 - Fall 2016
Location: Mississippi Watershed Management Organization and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, 2522 Marshall Street NE
Putting Down Roots is an evolving exhibit of artistic fiber representation of plants that are beneficial for a healthy environment. These plants have extensive root structures, provide beautiful habitat and contribute to the diversity of our landscapes.
More information: