Build Labs LLC Works to Ease the Tech Talent Shortage Utilizing Space at WeWork

Small businesses are a crucial component of our economy, and they are being recognized May 5 -11 during National Small Business Week.
One example is Build Labs LLC, founded in 2017 by serial entrepreneur JD Dietricha. It's a small business in downtown Minneapolis that is working to train people for high-paying technology jobs. They are based out of WeWork in Capella Tower, and work with the tech community within WeWork often.
On a daily basis we hear how companies scramble for tech talent - and Build Labs LLC is looking to change this. They are an immersive coding experience for developers and designers launching their careers in technology. Their structured apprenticeship provides these newly minted technologists with the experience, training, mentorship and environment they need to accelerate their capabilities. At the end of their apprenticeship, they are hired full time by Build Labs LLC clients.
Having grown from two people to a staff of six in a short period of time, the flexible and amenity-rich WeWork space is the perfect office option for Build Labs LLC. There is a growing demand for coworking office spaces like WeWork. In addition to Capella Tower, WeWork has two other Minneapolis locations - 729 N Washington Avenue and 1330 Lagoon Avenue. They also have numerous locations around the globe.