Bridgewater Residents Supporting Homeless Family Fundraiser

This is from an email sent to Bridgewater Lofts residents from our HOA manager. Of course, anyone wishing to support this cause is encouraged to attend. Sounds like fun too!
Bridgewater Neighbors,
Join us for an awesome evening of dance and entertainment while helping end homelessness in Hennepin County!
The Bridgewater community supported People Serving People - the largest, comprehensive family focused shelter in Minnesota - with our Holiday drive in December. And now, we have another opportunity to support goals that are important to all of us:
- Families having a safe place to live
- Children that can attend school and continue their education during difficult times
- Parents that can enroll in job training courses
- Safer communities
Next week, join us for an awesome evening of dance and entertainment while supporting the goals that are important to our community!
Friday, October 15th
Featuring the music of Salsa del Soul
Salsa and Merengue dance instruction
Solera Restaurant 8-11pm
Tickets: $50
Cash Bar
100% of your ticket price goes to PSP!
The President of People Serving People, Jim Minor, will join us and discuss how we can make a greater impact.
Here's what you can do today:
- Buy Tickets online by October 10th
- Get your dancing shoes ready for the 15th!
Our goals is to raise $15,000 for the organization. If you can't attend and would like to make a donation, please reference 'Salsa and Sparkle' in the memo line.
Please contact Carmen Brace if you have questions. Thanks for your support!
Carmen Brace