Boom Island-Nicollet Island Bridge Repairs Update

Originally built as a railroad bridge in 1890, the Boom Island-Nicollet Island Bridge was acquired by the MPRB in the 1970s and installed in its current location in the early 1980s.
Revised design presented to Heritage Preservation Commission on April 18
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board(MPRB) presented a revised design for the Boom Island-Nicollet Island Bridge Repairsproject to the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) on April 18, 2017. The presentation was not part of a public hearing and no HPC approval was requested.
The revised project design was created after an MPRB application for a certificate of appropriateness to allow rehabilitation and alterations to the bridge was denied by the HPC on Jan. 31, 2017. The new design includes additional steel repairs to restore the structural integrity of the existing exterior stringers and in-kind replacement of the existing timber ties and wood decking – largely retaining the bridge’s original structural design and avoiding the introduction of new materials. The significantly deteriorated interior stingers will be removed with possible restoration at a later date.
The MPRB is seeking additional funding through various sources because the cost of the revised proposed design is beyond the original project budget. Construction will be delayed until additional funding is secured.