Bicyclist and Pedestrian Counts 2016 - Volunteers Needed

Volunteer for Bicyclist & Pedestrian Counts – September 13-15, 2016
Minneapolis Public Works is gearing up to conduct its 10th annual Bicyclist and Pedestrian Count, and you can help! Volunteers are needed to count the number of bicyclists and pedestrians at many locations around the city. The main days for counting will be September 13-15. All count shifts are from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Minneapolis Public Works is also teaming up with Hennepin County this year, offering new counting locations outside of Minneapolis in first-ring suburbs. More information on this is available when you sign up.
Minneapolis and Hennepin County conduct bicyclist and pedestrian counts in order to understand the impact of non-motorized traffic on streets, sidewalks, and trails. Accurate counts allow us to plan and build for bicyclists and pedestrians, while tracking what’s successful and what should be done differently.
If you’re interested in volunteering for any of these counts, register online or contact Kurt Wayne at or 612-673-5011.