Bicycling Update: City Adopts the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan

Per a December 7 e-announcement from the City of Minneapolis:
On December 4th the Minneapolis City Council adopted the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan. The 10-year action plan guides the future planning, design and implementation of transportation projects for all people in all the ways they move around.
Look at the strategies and actions outlined in the plan
The interactive website includes strategies and actions as well as priority network maps for walking, biking, transit and freight. New strategies and actions in the Progress section detail how we will implement a racial equity framework for transportation, build trust and achieve greater outcomes through equitable engagement, and create transparent and accountable measures for evaluation of plans, programs and projects.
See what changed after public comment
In March 2020 we released the draft Transportation Action Plan for public comment. We received over 1,700 comments relating to all aspects of the plan from the public, partner agencies and local organizations. After reviewing these comments, we made a variety of changes to improve the plan, which are tracked in a separate document here. Highlighted changes include:
- One new strategy in the Walking topic area;
- 23 new actions throughout all topic areas;
- A new Progress section with 3 strategies and 20 actions related to implementing a racial equity framework, improving equitable engagement, and creating transparency and accountability through better evaluation; and
- A new Foreword on resiliency, racial justice and real-time planning.
Check out our engagement summaries
We hosted a variety of engagement events throughout 2019 and 2020 to involve the public in this process. Read the engagement summaries from each phase of the process, including the final phase after the release of the draft plan, to learn more about how those efforts influenced the plan:
Follow the City of Minneapolis on social media to stay updated. Use #gompls to share your thoughts on the plan and follow the City on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.