At the Guthrie / Behind the Curtain with "The Sunshine Boys" - Part One

One of the most highly anticipated events of the season will be the union of Guthrie dream team Raye Birk (Faith Healer, Third) and Peter Michael Goetz (1776, The Government Inspector), playing cantankerous vaudeville comedians in Neil Simon's popular comedy The Sunshine Boys, directed by Gary Gisselman (Lost in Yonkers, A Christmas Carol). Despite their comedic chemistry onstage, the one-time famous duo "Lewis and Clark" can't stand each other offstage. The shenanigans that ensue when these seasoned stage partners are coerced to reunite for a CBS television comedy special will likely make this ticket one of the hottest -- and most hilarious -- in town.
The Guthrie Theater is located in the Historic Mill District of Downtown Minneapolis.
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