A School Downtown? The Time is Right.

Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood School Survey
Calling all families living in Downtown Minneapolis with young children: we want your input! Several downtown neighborhood organizations want to know what you think about a downtown neighborhood elementary school.
Between now and October 15th, we invite you to complete a short 10-question Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood School survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CVC5HSQ.
The number of children living in downtown Minneapolis is growing. As of the 2010 U.S. Census there were 914 children under the age of 5 and 444 children between 5 and 9 years old calling downtown Minneapolis home. Families are beginning to speak out about their desire to raise children in downtown Minneapolis and send their kids to school here, as featured in the December 17, 2012 Downtown Journal article “Parents Push for Downtown School” and the July 17, 2011 Star Tribune article “In Downtown, New Kids on the Block.”
However it has become all too common for families to leave downtown once their children are of school age, citing several reasons including the lack of a good neighborhood school. This is quite understandable as National Association of Realtor’s Preferences studies have shown one of the most important influencing factors in neighborhood choice is proximity to a school and school district quality.
Downtown neighborhoods took notice and in early 2013, the North Loop Neighborhood Association, Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association and Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. all passed motions and resolutions to join together and pursue the issue. As active participants in downtown, our organizations desire a robust, balanced and sustainable downtown community that includes children and families. We believe we will not be able to substantially attract or retain families with children to downtown Minneapolis without a community elementary school for all downtown children, but we need to know what you think.
Please take a moment to complete our short 10-question survey. We will present our results to the downtown neighborhoods at the end of the year. If you have any questions, please email downtownmplsschool@gmail.com.
The Downtown Minneapolis School Initiative
- The North Loop Neighborhood Association
- The Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
- Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc.
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