A New Resource for River Lovers

Today we launched River Hub, the most complete (we believe) listing of events related to the Minneapolis Riverfront on the web. Our goal with River Hub is to serve the large community of people passionate about our riverfront by helping you stay up-to-date on events impacting the river, as well as Event Planners by helping to avoid scheduling conflicts with other river related events to the extent possible.
River Hub is a very simple site - just an activities list and a page for readers to submit events. That's it. There are plenty of great sources for general Riverfront news, but we wanted to make RH as easy to use as possible, so we decided to focus on just one thing.
Back in 2010 we launched Mill City Times as a simple web directory of local businesses, mainly because as new residents of the Riverfront we needed a resource for our own use (none existed). It quickly took on a life of its own and has been growing ever since. As we've become more engaged with Riverfront planning and advocacy, we spend an inordinate amount of time just trying to stay in the loop. We check dozens of websites weekly just to stay on top of things. We figured we might as well make use of that effort, just as we do with Mill City Times.
So, out of passion and a little bit of frustration, River Hub was born:
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