A Big List - Local Businesses We Patronized in 2011

When we have the option to frequent a local business, we do. Always. We love walking the neighborhood, leaving our car in the garage, and supporting the small businesses that help make the Downtown Minneapolis Riverfront such a great place to live.
We spent the past week looking back on our activities throughout 2011 and came up with an 'A to Z' list of businesses we patronized in 2011 - all within walking distance of our Mill District home. They're all worth checking out, so give them a try and support our community!
501 Fit / 501 Spin - http://www.501fit.com/
Aloft - http://www.starwoodhotels.com/alofthotels/property/overview/contact.html?propertyID=3074
Aster Cafe - http://aster-cafe.com/
Bibelot - http://www.bibelotshops.com/index.php?view=store_locations&store_id=3
Bierbrauer Chiropractic - http://www.bierbrauerchiropractic.com/
Bobby & Steve's - http://www.bobbyandstevesautoworld.com/minneapolis.html
Bulldog, The - http://www.thebulldognortheast.com/
Caribou - http://www.cariboucoffee.com/page/1/our-locations.jsp
City Garden Flower Mill - http://www.citygardensflowermill.com/
Core Power Yoga - http://www.corepoweryoga.com/locations/minnesota/minneapolis.aspx
Crooked Pint Ale House - http://crookedpint.com/
D'Amico & Sons / Mill City Museum - http://www.damicoandsons.com/frame.asp?s=location&ss=minnesota&ft=i&sss=mp
Depot, The - http://www.thedepotminneapolis.com/
Dunn Bros - http://freighthouse.dunnbros.com/
Grumpy's - http://www.grumpys-bar.com/downtown/index.html
Guthrie Theater - http://www.guthrietheater.org/
Keegans Irish Pub - http://keeganspub.com/
Kindee - http://www.kindeethairestaurant.com/
Level Salon - http://www.level-salon.com/
Look + See - http://lookandseeeyecare.com/
MacPhail Center for Music - http://www.macphail.org/
Maxwell's - http://www.maxwellsbar.net/
Men's Dept. - http://www.mensdept.com/
Mill City Commons - http://www.millcitycommons.org/homepage
Mill City Farmers Market - http://millcityfarmersmarket.org/
Mill City Market Grocery & Deli - http://millcitygrocery.com/
Mill City Museum - http://www.millcitymuseum.org/
Open Book Coffee Gallery - http://www.openbookmn.org/coffee_gallery.aspx
Pacifier - http://store.pacifieronline.com/
Real Ghost Tours - http://www.realghosttours.com/
Sarpinos - http://www.gosarpinos.com/pizza-delivery/downtown-minneapolis/?r=2
Sanctuary - http://www.sanctuaryminneapolis.com/
Sawatdee - http://www.sawatdee.com/locations.htm
Sorellas - http://www.sorellawines.com/
Spill the Wine - http://www.spillthewinerestaurant.com/
Spoonriver - http://spoonriver.com/
Wasabi - http://wasabimn.com/
Wilde Roast Cafe - http://www.wilderoastcafe.com/
Zen Box Izakaya - http://zenboxizakaya.com/
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