4th Street Reconstruction Update

Via an e-update from the City of Minneapolis:
The City of Minneapolis is reconstructing 4th St. between 2nd Ave N and 4th Ave S in downtown Minneapolis. The reconstruction will include wider sidewalks, improved crossings, a new bi-directional off-street bike path on the north side of the street, lighting, trees and planting beds. Construction is underway and is expected to be complete in 2022. Phase 1 includes construction from Hennepin Ave to 4th Ave S and Phase 2 includes construction from 2nd Ave N to Hennepin Ave. Phase 1 occurred during 2021 and Phase 2 will begin in 2022.
Latest Project News
- Phase 1 work, between Hennepin Ave and 4th Ave S, is substantially complete and 4th Street is now open to through traffic. The Washington Ave detour is no longer in effect.
- Remaining work this year includes completion of the traffic signal and lighting installations, anticipated to occur in December 2021.
- Xcel Energy will continue work between 2nd Ave N and Hennepin Ave through the winter which may result in periodic lane closures.
- Phase 2 construction, between 2nd Ave N and Hennepin Ave, will begin in spring of 2022. Construction crews plan to begin work as soon as possible depending on the weather and plan to be complete by mid-summer.
- There will be no further project newsletters or stakeholder meetings in 2021. Newsletters and stakeholder meetings will begin again in 2022, prior to the start of construction. Stay tuned!
- The project hotline and email address will remain active through the duration of the project.
Stay Connected
There are multiple ways to get information including email updates and ongoing stakeholder meetings. Visit the project website and sign-up for updates: www.minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/fourth-st-n-and-s/
Provide questions, comments or concerns on the interactive map: https://zan.mysocialpinpoint.com/4thstreetreconstruction
Email the project team: info@4thstmpls.com
Contact the project hotline: 612-412-9774