4th Avenue Playground is Now Open Thanks to Volunteers

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) has completed construction of the new playground at 4th Ave N and James I. Rice Parkway in Minneapolis' North Loop neighborhood, and the playground is now open. Undaunted by high winds and cold rain, over 50 volunteers—local, regional, even national—showed up October 26 to assemble the first playground to be built on parkland on the west side of the central Mississippi Riverfront in Minneapolis. “The families of the North Loop have long been advocating for this playground,” said 2nd Park District Commissioner Jon Olson. “The playground has been eagerly anticipated and promises to be well used.”
Though the playground equipment is now fully installed and ready to use, accessible surfacing will not be installed until spring due to the need for warmer temperatures for this work. Park staff may be on site intermittently through spring, as materials arrive and weather permits, to complete additional elements such as site furnishings, water connections and walkways. In spring, more volunteers will plant additional shrubs and perennials in preparation for the June grand opening. The parking lot adjacent to the playground has been reopened.
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