3rd Avenue Reconstruction Tentatively Proposed to Begin the Week of May 24

Via a notification from the City of Minneapolis:
The City of Minneapolis Council is preparing to proceed with the redesign project on 3rd Avenue S between 1st Street S and 16th Street E. The project limits are shown on the attached map. The scope of the project includes the installation of a protected bicycle lane, modifications to the existing street to a primarily four lane configuration, and new landscaping opportunities along 3rd Avenue S. The approved configuration is located on the project website link below. The construction is tentatively proposed to begin the week of May 24th with the commitment of maintaining access to the adjacent properties. To determine the staging and flow of the work we are coordinating with the numerous development and street construction projects in the downtown area. We will continue to share information as it is developed. For additional information on projects, please visit the City of Minneapolis Public Works Traffic Alerts page: http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/traffic/index.htm
You will see the following work tasks begin this year:
• Removal of center medians and replacement with asphalt pavement;
• Construct water connections for green space;
• Adjustments to utility man hole covers;
• Mill and Overlay on selected blocks to correct the grade from the median removal;
• Seal Coat of roadway;
• Temporary and permanent traffic markings; and
• Signal system improvements.
The roadway reconfiguration will be started in 2016 and opened to traffic over the winter. Other project work is expected to resume and be completed in 2017. Activities planned for 2017 include remaining segments of seal coating, permanent traffic markings, irrigation systems and plantings.
We will continue to provide you information as the project proceeds and should there be time sensitive questions or issues that arise, please contact us:
Construction Manager: Elisha Langat at 612.673.5974
Design Manager: Chris Engelmann at 612.673.3274
Additional information can be found on the project website: www.minneapolismn.gov/cip/future/WCMS1P-150686