2040 Transportation Policy Plan Update Released for Public Comment

Via a June 28 e-newsletter from the Metropolitan Council:
The Metropolitan Council is now taking public comment on the draft update to the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP). On Wednesday, the Council voted to release the draft plan for public comment. Since it was adopted in 2015, new investment decisions and work have been incorporated into the plan to reflect the current landscape of regional transportation.
“I look forward to feedback from people all across the region,” said Council Chair Alene Tchourumoff. “This update is the result of many months of collaboration with the elected officials who sit on the Transportation Advisory Board, the community members who volunteer their time on advisory boards, and the technical experts from our partner organizations and here at the Council. As we look to the future, our shared prosperity comes from having a shared roadmap – this plan reflects how we build a transportation system that connects our region.”
Regional system keeps growing, population mobile and connected
Population is growing throughout the region – especially in communities with major transit investments. Reliable, safe and efficient ways of getting from one point to another is a necessity. Whether driving, busing, biking, walking, or taking light rail, people need a transportation system that allows them to remain connected and reach destinations.
Many elements factor into developing and implementing a regional transportation system. The Council plays a substantial role in planning and identifying needed investments for that system, as well as coordinating with partners across the region to build transportation options that benefit everyone.
Required by both state and federal law, the current 2040 Transportation Policy Plan serves as a blueprint for growth and establishes key transportation goals that are guided by Thrive MSP 2040, the Council’s regional policy framework.
Federal law requires that the Council update the TPP every four years. This update has been a collaborative effort between the Council, state and regional agencies, and local governments, along with the people of the region.
Focus on safety, cost-efficiency and maintaining/enhancing current infrastructure
This update continues to focus on cost-efficient and safe transportation investments that maintain our roads, bridges and transit system, and that will meet transportation needs now and into the future. At the same time, the plan emphasizes multimodal options across the region and how those modes can be strategically aligned with land use.
The TPP update highlights the Council’s work to move towards the regional outcomes found in Thrive MSP 2040 as they relate to transportation. These outcomes include: stewardship, prosperity, equity, livability and sustainability. Highlights of the update are:
- Updating fiscal projections for the highway and transit systems
- Including new major highway and transit investments that have received funding
- Identifying performance measures that will guide investment
- Addressing new and emerging trends in transportation, like autonomous vehicles and shared mobility systems
- New investments for major highway projects and transitways
- Results of recent transportation planning studies, like the Regional Truck Freight Corridor study
Get involved; comment period open til Aug. 13
The Council is ready to hear from you. Public comment will be received until 5 p.m., Monday, August 13. To comment:
- Write to Metropolitan Council, Public Information at 390 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55101
- Email to Metropolitan Council, Public Information at public.info@metc.state.mn.us
- Record a comment on the Public Comment Line at 651.602.1500 (TTY 651.291.0904)
- Comment through an online feedback form
The Council will make revisions after the public comment period and release the final TPP update later this year.
The Metropolitan Council is now taking public comment on the draft update to the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP). On Wednesday, the Council voted to release the draft plan for public comment. Since it was adopted in 2015, new investment decisions and work have been incorporated into the plan to reflect the current landscape of regional transportation.
“I look forward to feedback from people all across the region,” said Council Chair Alene Tchourumoff. “This update is the result of many months of collaboration with the elected officials who sit on the Transportation Advisory Board, the community members who volunteer their time on advisory boards, and the technical experts from our partner organizations and here at the Council. As we look to the future, our shared prosperity comes from having a shared roadmap – this plan reflects how we build a transportation system that connects our region.”
Regional system keeps growing, population mobile and connected
Population is growing throughout the region – especially in communities with major transit investments. Reliable, safe and efficient ways of getting from one point to another is a necessity. Whether driving, busing, biking, walking, or taking light rail, people need a transportation system that allows them to remain connected and reach destinations.
Many elements factor into developing and implementing a regional transportation system. The Council plays a substantial role in planning and identifying needed investments for that system, as well as coordinating with partners across the region to build transportation options that benefit everyone.
Required by both state and federal law, the current 2040 Transportation Policy Plan serves as a blueprint for growth and establishes key transportation goals that are guided by Thrive MSP 2040, the Council’s regional policy framework.
Federal law requires that the Council update the TPP every four years. This update has been a collaborative effort between the Council, state and regional agencies, and local governments, along with the people of the region.
Focus on safety, cost-efficiency and maintaining/enhancing current infrastructure
This update continues to focus on cost-efficient and safe transportation investments that maintain our roads, bridges and transit system, and that will meet transportation needs now and into the future. At the same time, the plan emphasizes multimodal options across the region and how those modes can be strategically aligned with land use.
The TPP update highlights the Council’s work to move towards the regional outcomes found in Thrive MSP 2040 as they relate to transportation. These outcomes include: stewardship, prosperity, equity, livability and sustainability. Highlights of the update are:
- Updating fiscal projections for the highway and transit systems
- Including new major highway and transit investments that have received funding
- Identifying performance measures that will guide investment
- Addressing new and emerging trends in transportation, like autonomous vehicles and shared mobility systems
- New investments for major highway projects and transitways
- Results of recent transportation planning studies, like the Regional Truck Freight Corridor study
Get involved; comment period open until Aug. 13
The Council is ready to hear from you. Public comment will be received until 5 p.m., Monday, August 13. To comment:
- Write to Metropolitan Council, Public Information at 390 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55101
- Email to Metropolitan Council, Public Information at public.info@metc.state.mn.us
- Record a comment on the Public Comment Line at 651.602.1500 (TTY 651.291.0904)
- Comment through an online feedback form
The Council will make revisions after the public comment period and release the final TPP update later this year.