2020 Census Update and Request for Assistance

Editor's Note - The U.S. Census Bureau is asking everyone to share this information - please pass it on!
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We’re reaching a critical point of the 2020 Census – two things are happening:
1. The Census Bureau has added a NEW postcard reminder to households that have not yet responded to the census. Non-responding homes will get the postcard THIS COMING WEEK.
- March 12 is when the first 2020 Census mailings were sent - this NEW postcard mailing is due to the impact of COVID-19 on census operations.
2. Households that do not respond on their own will soon have census takers visiting in person to ask census questions. Enumerators will begin August 11 to visit homes.
While Minnesota has almost 72 percent responding – that means more than one in four households has yet to respond.
- For Minnesota counties – the response rates range from over 80% for Carver, Washington and Anoka counties, to under 40% for Aitkin, Cass, Mahnomen, Lake of the Woods and Cook counties.
- For Minnesota cities with over 2k population – the response rates range from over 87% for Andover and Centerville, to under 50% for Howard Lake, Breezy Point, Gaylord and Nisswa. The response in Crosslake is 29%.
- For tribal areas in Minnesota, response rates range from Fond du Lac at almost 60% to Red Lake at 5.2%.
Groups that tend not to respond – and who have been historically undercounted – include renters, people with low incomes, and ethnic and racial minorities and American Indians.
Response rate info: 2020Census.gov/response-rates - the map is updated daily M-F.
The map includes a link to response rate rankings.
Ways for responding to the 2020 Census:
- Online – visit 2020Census.gov
- Phone – call 844-330-2020 – phone lines are open 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. Central – seven days a week.
Why is Goldy Gopher wearing a cape and eye mask? Because he's a census hero! You can be a #MNCensusHero too - complete the 2020 Census!