2011 Minneapolis Earth Day Clean Up Scheduled for Saturday, April 16

Mark your calendar for 9:30am-Noon on Saturday, April 16, to join the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board for the annual Minneapolis Earth Day Clean Up.
It’s easy to get involved - no pre-registration is required. Volunteers can choose from a lengthy list of Clean Up sites. In our neighborhood, it's Father Hennepin Bluffs Park, 100 6th Avenue SE (the East Bank side of the Stone Arch Bridge).
About Earth Day Clean Up
A collaborative effort between the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) and City of Minneapolis Solid Waste and Recycling, the Minneapolis Earth Day Watershed Clean Up was initiated in 1995 to draw attention to the water quality improvement needs of Minneapolis’ lakes and the effects that individual actions have on urban water quality.
The goal of Earth Day is to provide a volunteer experience and environmental education to Minneapolis residents and park users. This annual event involves cleaning major watersheds and water bodies in the City of Minneapolis including: the Chain of Lakes, Lake Nokomis, Lake Hiawatha, Powderhorn Lake, Diamond Lake, Shingle Creek, Minnehaha Creek, Bassett’s Creek and the Mississippi River.
Environmental Education is a key part of the Clean Up. Onsite programs offer volunteers the opportunity to learn about various issues affecting our environment and community today. The programs are designed for individuals of all ages.
Past programs included:
River/Stream water testing presentations
Stream erosion/pollution presentations
Recycled art programs for youth
Birdhouse building
Wildlife effects of pollution
Water-cycle education games
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