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Take the Fire Safety Quiz and Help the Minneapolis Fire Department!

Take the online Fire Safety Pledge Program Quiz and the MFD could be awarded a $10,000 Grant.

HOW SAFE IS YOUR HOME FROM FIRE?  Test your fire safety knowledge, and at the same time help Minneapolis Fire Department, by taking an online fire safety quiz.  This quiz is sponsored by Liberty Mutual’s “Be Fire Smart” fire safety resource center, which will reward the departments with the most quiz-takers with a $10,000 grant to support their fire-education and prevention outreach efforts.  To take the quiz, go to:  www.befiresmart.com  and take the quiz in the “Fire Safety Pledge Program”.  Be sure to list Minneapolis Fire Department as your local fire department!  Although a name, email, zip code, and telephone are required to submit the quiz, this information is NOT used to solicit Liberty Mutual Insurance.  It will be used to notify participants of the department winners after the competition is over, end of October.

Questions? Contact: Casidy Anderson, Community Risk Reduction Officer
Minneapolis Fire Department, 350 South 5th Street #127, Minneapolis, MN 55415
612-919-7790  casidy.anderson@ci.minneapolis.mn.us

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