Artspace Unveils Plans for New Headquarters in Mill District

Heidi Kurtze - Director, Property Development presented plans for the new Artspace HQ / Artists housing project to the East Downtown Council today. The project will be built on the "E Liner Parcel" at Chicago & Washington Ave S next to the American Academy of Neurology HQ building, currently under construction across the street from the Guthrie Theater in the Mill District of Downtown Minneapolis.
Below are notes and photos from her presentation:
- Kurtze officially announced that the building will be their new headquarters
- After bouncing back and forth between different names for the building, Kurtze officially announced the name of the development: simple and straightforward "Artspace"
- The building will be 6 stories in height
- There will be 61 units of live/work space for artists
- All units will be affordable housing
- They hope the "Cube" on the corner of Chicago & Washington Ave S will be the signature element
- Exterior will be brick, metal panel and glass
- Commercial space on the 1st floor, hopefully a coffee shop/wine bar
- Will have a green roof, hope to create an urban farm in partnership with the Mill City Farmers Market
- Hope to have an Art Market in conjunction with the Mill City Farmers Market
- Possibly a public gallery
- Plan to break ground summer 2012 and occupy summer 2013
Artist renderings: