The Blog Roll

Mill City Times Blogs
Mill City Farmers Market Blog - Daily posts from the Mill City Farmers Market.
Mill City Fitness Blog - Local fitness experts share their knowledge and client success stories.
Mill City Real Estate & Development - Your resource for Mill District Real Estate and Community Development information. Featuring local real estate experts from Cynthia Froid Group.
The Zombie Crawl Blog - Featuring photos from the nationally famous, pioneering Minneapolis Zombie Pub Crawl.
History Related Blogs
hclib's tumblr - Most dispatches are from Ian, a librarian at the James K. Hosmer Special Collections: more than 25,000 books and other materials in 10 unique collections for reference and research. You can visit Special Collections at the Minneapolis Central Library.
Nokohaha - A "must bookmark" blog. A great source for early to recent history in photos and video. Also, Nokohaha takes pictures of buildings, swamps and sunsets. There are occasional poetic and mildly political posts about places and people in and around Minneapolis. Unpredictable and slightly unhinged. Always worth a look.
Stuff About Minneapolis - Just a hodgepodge of stuff about Minneapolis that you may enjoy. From Paul Merrill, Twin Cities history lover and a hack blogger.
Urban Living Blogs
Getting Around Minneapolis - Don't know who this guy is, he doesn't have an "About" page. One of the best blogs around on urban issues, housing density, mass transit and many other topics. In-depth analysis is a strong suit of this blog. A very smart person is behind this thing.
Net Density - This is a blog about planning, sustainability, energy, technology, the Twin Cities and maybe even some politics.
On The Commons - The commons is a new way to express a very old idea—that some forms of wealth belong to all of us, and that these community resources must be actively protected and managed for the good of all.
The commons are the things that we inherit and create jointly, and that will (hopefully) last for generations to come. The commons consists of gifts of nature such as air, oceans and wildlife as well as shared social creations such as libraries, public spaces, scientific research and creative works.
Bridge Number 9 - Everyday discoveries in SE Minneapolis. When I moved to southeast Minneapolis, one of the first things I discovered was an old railroad bridge near the University of Minnesota. How did I make it through four and a half years as a U of M student without ever seeing this bridge across the Mississippi River? Probably asleep on my way to all those 8 a.m. French classes. Today this bridge — converted to a charming pedestrian bridge — is one of my favorite neighborhood landmarks.
CityScape - By Steve Berg at MinnPost. Cityscape focuses on urban life in our metro area. Topics range from urban design and architecture to transportation, highways, traffic, transit, walking and biking. Cityscape also examines important urban issues — such as real estate development, education, crime, poverty and family life — as well as the arts, sports and entertainment in our community.
Retired Blogs
MSP Wire - We're now posting local photo and video content to the home page.
Mill City Fitness Blog - Now posting to the home page.