Update 13 - Getting Whipped into Shape - The 18-Week Measurements

Yesterday Andrea took my 3rd set of measures since we started working together in November. Let's see... I'm down 3 pounds and 1.5 inches (that's a combination of chest, waist and hips). The body fat is down from 25.67% to 23.53% (the goal is 18%).
While it's true we didn't associate a date with the weight and body fat goals - at this pace it might take until 2013. I just assumed a pound a week would be a no-brainer. If that were the case I'd be at my goal weight of 110 right now, today.
So, reality check. While the original goals will remain the same - I'll be realistic about the pace. I'll continue to concentrate on cardio endurance and toning, which have both improved noticeably over the past 18 weeks.
We plan to do the 4th measurement readings at the end of May.
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