
Submitted by Andrea Austin
Chocolate is good for us in small doses, as long it's the right kind.
First of all, chocolate is a plant based treat. Like tofu is from soybeans, and stevia is from the stevia plant, chocolate is from the cocoa plant. In it’s purest form, cocoa is extremely bitter and not very tasty to eat. But, on the other hand, in its purest form, it is also the most potent in the area of antioxidant disease fighting power. Cocoa phenols are the actual potent antioxidant that cocoa is blessed with. They are proven to lower blood pressure, (The Journal of the American Medical Association reports). They are also known to destroy free radicals. Free radicals are negative molecules in the body that are responsible for many human maladies like heart disease.
Here is a list of the amazing attributes that cocoa (dark chocolate) holds for us:
•Theobromine, which stimulates the nervous system and helps muscles to work harder.
•Caffeine, which is a stimulant and helps to burn calories and fights fatigue.
•Tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid which will trigger the production of serotonin. This a natural anti-depressant and stress reducer.
•Phenols, which helps to lower blood pressure and fight heart disease.
•Endorphins, which are a natural opiate which will reduce pain and better mood.
•Phenylethulamine, which is a chemical released in the body that is similar to amphetamines! (This is the “love” chemical).
•Catechins, which are powerful antioxidants to fight cancer.
•Amandamide, which is a chemical that increases relaxation and positive well being.
Processing cocoa into chocolate can water down or even ruin it’s disease fighting power. The higher the cocoa content in a chocolate bar, the more powerful it is in antioxidant power. Milk or white chocolate have the lowest cocoa content. Milk interferes with the absorption of antioxidants, so if you are eating milk or white chocolate in hopes of helping to fight disease - think again!
Three rules of thumb when purchasing chocolate bars and eating for health and antioxidant components are:
1. Make sure the bar is 70% cocoa content or higher. The higher the better if you can tolerate it’s strong flavor.
2. Purchase bars made in Europe. They tend to be higher quality and higher in cocoa phenols.
3. When eating dark chocolate daily make sure to do so in small quantities. Break off a small square a day (between 50 and 100 grams).
About Andrea
Andrea is an award winning master personal trainer from the Twin Cites, Minnesota. She is certified through The National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Personal Trainer and is a certified group fitness instructor teaching 3 master classes weekly. She teaches weekly classes at 501SP1N and can found on the web at or via email.
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