10 Important Reasons Why Sleep And Rest Are Your Best Friend!

Submitted by Andrea Austin
Have you ever wondered why your non-dominant hand/arm is sometimes stronger than your dominant? This can be an example of this blog’s topic and how rest is just as important as work. When you overwork a muscle or the body for that matter and do not give it a break, it actually is in a permanent weakened state and performance is inhibited. We all live such crazy-busy lives and put demands on our bodies to keep up with the insanity. The reality is we can function like this for so long before our bodies start to say “no!”.
Let’s discuss the all important topic of sleep and how lack of sleep will really sabotage your workout/training efforts and daily life in a major way.
Here are 10 very negative ramifications of operating on less than 7 to 8 hours a night:
1. Impaired Immune System: So you think by saving time by sleeping less you are getting ahead? Well consider the decreased ability to fight off all the lovely sicknesses running around out there and how much time you will save if you catch one of them and have to take a lot of time away from your busy schedule.
2. Cognitive Impairment: Your ability to connect your thoughts will become stunted and you can suffer from impaired moral judgment! Wow, that could be really bad!
3. Increased Risk Of Heart Disease: Your heart rate variability is increased when lacking rest and sleep. Enough said on this!
4. Decreased Reaction Time And Accuracy: I’m not sure I would want to be sharing the road with someone that is running low on sleep! I’m definitely sure I do not want to be operating heavy equipment when sleep deprived!
5. Weight Gain: Did you know that running low on sleep and rest makes you gain weight? It messes with your hormones and since you are awake longer your appetite is increased. Ugh.
6. Your Growth Is Suppressed And You Will Age Faster: If you have a teenage kid, this is not good! As an adult “growth” does not just mean growing taller; it means keeping your body rejuvenating itself! Also, if you are interested in aging faster then definitely keep up not getting enough sleep!
7. Your Body Cannot Heal Itself As Well: When you are running low on rest and sleep, your body is weakened in many ways including it’s ability to heal from wounds, illnesses, etc. Expect to take much longer in healing from an injury or illness if you think sleep just is not that necessary!
8. Your Memory Will Be Lessened: Expect daily routines to be effected negatively from making mistakes in your cooking, to missing details in conversations, and seeming like a complete idiot when you keep forgetting important conversational details with loved ones and friends! Not good.
9. Type 2 Diabetes Can Become Closer Than You Think: When habitual lack of sleep happens your body becomes less glucose intolerant setting you up for getting Type 2 Adult Onset Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is preventable!
10. Increased Risk Of Chronic High Blood Pressure, Increased Risk Of Stress Hormone Production, Increased Risk Of Fibromyalgia: If 1 through 9 isn’t enough to consider getting more rest and sleep these three kickers should assist you!
Remember, REST IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE. You are only your best if you take a bit longer to get your sleep and rest!
About Andrea
Andrea is an award winning master personal trainer from the Twin Cites, Minnesota. She is certified through The National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Personal Trainer and is a certified group fitness instructor teaching 3 master classes weekly. She teaches weekly classes at 501SP1N and can found on the web at http://tweakmyworkout.com or Andrea@tweakmyworkout.com via email.
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