Kolman & Reeb Gallery Announces Currents: Nature Inspired Wall Sculptures by Cameron Zebrun, Opening January 14

Kolman & Reeb Gallery has announced its next Project Space grantee exhibition, Currents, by artist Cameron Zebrun. The exhibition opens January 14, 2023. The gallery will host an artist reception on Saturday, January 21, 2023, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., during the Northup King Building’s Northrup King Nights. On Thursday, February 2, 2023, Zebrun will discuss his work with Kenneth Steinbach, art professor, Bethel University, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., during the Northrup King Building’s First Thursday.
The generous Project Space grant “rejuvenated my spiritual connection with nature, which is at the core of my artistic practice,” says Zebrun. Zebrun’s sculptures incorporate sleek lines, elegant curves, and seductive colors derived from nature. Cartography, geography, and topography also play important roles in his work. The results are elegant sculptures formed from thin layers of wood on which he paints, and collages abstractions based on his observations of nature.
A prolific sculptor, the grant allowed Zebrun to travel to inspiring new locations in Banff and Olympic National Park and areas along the Canadian Rockies and the northern US West Coast. “I spent a lot of time documenting my experiences through sketches and photography,” he says. These fresh perspectives ignited his ever-evolving fascination with portraying landscape subject matter in surprising and non-traditional ways, giving life to his show, Currents. These new places gave Zebrun new viewpoints for his sculptures and inspired photographic collages and video animation specific to this show. “The small collages bridge my sculptural and photographic work,” Zebrun says. “For this exhibition, I’ve experimented with different forms to manifest my ideas. The work reflects my obsessions over the last three years and represents a culmination of my aesthetic interests.”
“We’re proud to support Cameron in his new artistic endeavor,” says Anita Sue Kolman, co-founder and co-partner, Kolman & Reeb Gallery. “For years, we’ve admired the sensations Cameron’s abstract sculptures generate. We’re eager to show viewers sculptures and collages created from his travels through the project space grant.” The gallery is working closely with Zebrun to curate Currents, says Kolman, as “a presentation of Cameron’s artwork allows viewers to gaze upon the mastery of his skill, the creativity of his vision, and elegance of the artwork.”
Jodi Reeb, gallery curator and co-partner, is “excited to see the whole process of Cameron’s journey and how he approached the creation of the work from his travels. I admire how he records patterns and forces of nature in both collage and sculpture.” Reeb is eager to showcase Zebrun’s work in the gallery.
Zebrun explains, while he creates art based in nature, “the work is far from traditional or sentimental. Instead, it presents a challenging and surprising way to consider landscape. Even as viewers look at the different media, they’ll see my recognizable style while also sensing mystery and content open to interpretation.”
For a preview of the show, please contact Anita Sue Kolman at anita@kolmanreebgallery.com or 612-385-4239 or Jodi Reeb at jodi@kolmanreebgallery.com or 612-247-1244.