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Covering life, work, and play in the Historic Mill District and Downtown Minneapolis Riverfront neighborhoods. Have an opinion, local news or events to share?  Contact us.

Entries by Kim Eslinger (4183)


Fantastic 2012 National Night Out in the Mill District

The Mill District threw one heckuva 2012 National Night Out party!

Special thanks to the planning committee, lead by Cynthia Kriha, and the local businesses and organizations who contributed funds, food, drink and gift certificates.  Thank You to the Mill City Farmers Market and Mill City Museum for providing tables, chairs, grilling equipment, message boards, electrical, etc., and to everyone who helped with set up and clean up.  

What a treat - The Orange Mighty Trio invited an out-of-town musician friend to join them. 

Click here for more pictures and a full list of contributors.


Mark Your Calendars - Stone Arch Patio Party at The Depot Next Week

Party on in the Mill District:



One Minneapolis One Read - an Evening With Garrison Keillor and Diane Wilson

Via an August 7 email from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:

One Minneapolis One Read - an evening with Garrison Keillor and Diane Wilson
Tickets are now on sale for the Sept. 24 event

Minneapolis City leaders are launching the second year of One Minneapolis One Read, a citywide “read” where the entire community is encouraged to read the same book and join in a community conversation.

One Read week – the beginning of months of conversations – will culminate in an evening with Garrison Keillor and author Diane Wilson at 7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 24 at the Minneapolis Convention Center Auditorium. Tickets are $10; $5 for seniors, students and limited income (for those tickets, select the $10 option and choose “apply discount” before purchasing). Tickets are available at or by calling 612-343-3390.

The book is “Spirit Car: Journey to a Dakota Past,” a book of vignettes Wilson created to honor the lives of her Dakota family. “Spirit Car” is available in paperback at local independent and chain bookstores, online booksellers and It’s also available through Hennepin County Library and as an e-book.

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is a proud partner of the One Minneapolis One Read program. For more information and to get involved, visit,, or email


West River Parkway Segment Scheduled for Sealcoating August 8

Via an August 2 email from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:

Select parkway segments are scheduled for seal coat work by the City of Minneapolis over the next week.

The following parkway segment may require temporary closure and delays during the daytime hours as seal coat work is completed. If a detour is required, flaggers will move traffic around the segment that is closed. Following sealcoat work, crews will sweep the loose chips after about 4– 7 days.  Signs will be posted reading “Loose Gravel” until the sweeping operation is completed.

Wednesday, August 8:
West River Parkway - from Portland Avenue to 13th Avenue South

For timely updates on parkway closures, sign up to receive emails about the parkway(s) you want to hear about.

Click here for information about sealcoat work.


Tonight - 2012 National Night Out!

Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Location:  Chicago Plaza (between the Guthrie and Spoonriver)


Week 13 at the 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

The first watermelon of the season appeared at the August 4 Market. Other new items we're trying this week include tomatillos and a lime and cilantro marinated bison skirt steak.

Cast your vote for the Mill City Farmers Market in the America’s Favorite Farmers Markets contest by clicking here.  Come on, people, the Eagan Market is kickin' butt!

Don't forget - the 2nd Annual MCFM Baking Contest is September 22!

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Market Basket from August 4, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Mill City Farmers Market August 4, 2012

Cooking Demo at the August 4, 2012 Mill City Farmers market


Reflecting on the August 1 'Bridge: A Gathering' at Mill City Museum

A heartfelt Thank You to the organizations and individuals who made possible this event for the 5-year anniversary of the 35W bridge collapse.  Even without knowing the victims, survivors, or rescue workers, I was still very much moved by the speeches, music, exhibition, play and poetry. 

Robyne Robinson made the opening remarks in the Mill City Museum's Ruin Courtyard.  With twisted steel remnants from it's own disaster, the courtyard was a perfect setting for the ceremony.

"Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum

Below, artist Vance Gellert explained the creative process behind his installation of 50 portraits of survivors, first responders and support people, along with photographs of the twisted metal three years later and other elements of his exhibit.

"Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum

My eyes welled up during Mayor R.T. Rybak's thoughtful speech.  I'm sure it meant a lot to the survivors and families who lost loved ones.

"Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum

The exhibit is on dislay at the Mill City Museum through December, 2012.

"Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum

"Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum

"Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum


'Pianos on Parade!' at MacPhail Center for Music 

Have you noticed this funky piano in front of MacPhail Center for Music?   MacPhail welcomes you to tickle the ivories on this outdoor piano provided by Keys 4/4 Kids' Pianos on Parade!

The piano will be there through September 15.

About Keys 4/4 Kids

Inspire young people to believe in themselves thorugh the arts.
Company Overview
Keys 4/4 Kids is a non profit that accepts donated pianos, restores and then sells them to the public. 100% of profits benefit local youth.

When you donate a piano to Keys 4/4 Kids, your piano goes to a good home where it will directly enrich the lives of people for years to come. Your piano will be moved by professional movers who will treat your piano and your home with utmost care.  In the spring of 2000, Newell Hill began fixing and selling donated pianos out of his parents’ garage. He did this to raise money for an after school arts program in North Minneapolis. The concept was simple – fix and sell donated pianos for charities.

This idea created an organization. Keys 4/4 Kids now operates in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Chicago, and Kansas City. The idea remains how it started and 100% of profits benefit local music and arts programs. Through supporting these programs, Keys 4/4 Kids inspires young people to believe in themselves through the arts.

Tonight - First Thursday in the Arts District at Northrup King Building

Time:  5:00pm - 9:00pm

Location: Northrup King Building, 1500 Jackson Street NE

August is that time of year when we get fresh Minnesota grown sweet corn and roast it up to a succulent treat to eat.   We will be serving up FREE corn as part of First Thursday in the Arts District on August 2nd from 5-9 PM.

The artist studios will be open featuring work in nearly every art medium.  Come enjoy your evening at the Northrup King Building. 


From the fruits of the Diaspora Experience to the Roots of the Divine Origins.

Minnesota State Arts Board Recipients, Edgar III Bey and D. M'Chelle present ANCESTORS IDIOM, an interactive display of poetic imagery in celebration of African and African American's indigenous ancestral message, giving voice to the fruits of their souls experiences.

Thursday, August 2nd as part of First Thursday in the Arts District from 5:00-9:00 pm. (Third Floor Gallery - #332)



Tonight - "Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum (West River Parkway Closed)

Time: 5:45pm - 7:00pm

Please note - West River Parkway will be closed 5:00pm to 7:00pm for this event.

Location:  Mill City Museum, 704 South 2nd Street

"Bridge: A Gathering" at Mill City Museum

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the collapse of the I-35W bridge, Twin Cities artists and community leaders will reflect on the transformation of lives and community at a public gathering at Mill City Museum.  The exhibit, Bridge, featuring photographs by artist Vance Gellert will open immediately following the event and will be on view through December, 2012.

The event is free and open to the public, but reservations must be made to secure a ticket by sending an email to or by calling 612-673-2032.


Pics From the 2012 Northeast Dog Parade :)

Great turn out for the 2012 Northeast Dog Parade on July 27.  By all accounts it was a huge success.  Kudos to the organizers!

This little cutie is my fave:

NorthEast Dog Parade 2012

NorthEast Dog Parade 2012

NorthEast Dog Parade 2012


Konkurs Pieczenia - New Baking Contest at the August 11-12 Twin Cities Polish Festival

Konkurs Pieczenia – A Polish Pastry Baking Contest
in the Heart of the Historic Minneapolis Milling District
Love to bake?  Showcase your baking prowess at the Konkurs Pieczenia – Polish Baking Contest, a new event at the Twin Cities Polish Festival August 11-12, 2012.  This contest is open to everyone (you don’t have to be Polish or live in Minnesota to enter)!

Marcia Novak, Director, Sponsorship Marketing & Promotion for the Twin Cities Polish Festival, provided us with an overview of the event.

In this Konkurs Pieczenia, bakers will compete in three categories of traditional Polish pastries: 

Makowiec - A sweet bread, rolled up jelly-roll fashion, with a poppy seed filling.
Kolaczki - A delicate cookie-like pastries traditionally filled with fruit, poppy seed or sweet cheese fillings.
Babka- A sweet, rich leavened cake traditionally baked in a classic Babka or other fluted pan.

 “Every year we’ve added a new activity to the Festival.  Since Poland is known for its hospitality and love of good food, hosting a Polish pastry contest, seemed like a natural fit.” commented Ed Rajtar, Festival co-chair.  I have personally sampled many delicious Babka and other pastries served at holidays, family parties and bake sales. So, I know firsthand there are many excellent bakers in the area,” he added with a grin.
Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each category.  Contestants may enter all three categories, but are allowed only one entry per category.    Entry forms must be postmarked by Tuesday, August 7. Contest rules and entry forms are posted on the Twin Cities Polish Festival website.
The Twin Cities Polish Festival, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) created to bring Minnesotans of all nationalities together to experience a world-class celebration of Polish culture and heritage in the Twin Cities.

The festival is held across from Riverplace and St. Anthony Main on SE Main Street.  It is open 10:00am–10:00pm on Saturday, August 11, and 11:00am-6:00pm on Sunday, August 12. Admission is free.


Device Invented at SAFL Means Big Saving For Cities

Thank you to The RiverCurrent for bringing this to our attention.  It's an example of the work being done at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory(SAFL), an interdisciplinary fluid mechanics research and educational facility of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota.


The SAFL Baffle is the flagship product of Upstream Technologies, a stormwater product development company with products that help keep lakes, rivers, and oceans clean.  The SAFL Baffle is a system developed by researchers at the University of Minnesota that reduces the costs to municipal governments for managing their stormwater.

The stainless steel device helps keep sediment in place so it can be collected and removed by maintenance crews. Without the baffle, sediment escapes to ponds and wetlands, which need periodic dredging to comply with stormwater regulations. Using the SAFL Baffle, a city’s costs for managing sediment could be reduced up to 90 percent compared to dredging.


Week 12 at the 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Is it me, or the does Market just keep getting better every week?

Cast your vote for the Mill City Farmers Market in the America’s Favorite Farmers Markets contest by clicking here

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Cooks at the July 28, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Farmers Market


Preserve Minneapolis Park Avenue Walking Tours Featured in Star Tribune Article

We enjoy the tours offered by Preserve Minneapolis, and were happy to see their upcoming Park Avenue Walking Tours covered in an article by Lynn Underwood in this Sunday's Homes section. Click here for the online version.  The article also features the tour guides, Ryan Knoke and Montana Scheff.

Here are the two tour titles and dates:

Historic Park Avenue Part I: The Mansion District
Age of Opulence Along the Minneapolis Golden Mile
Date: Saturday, August 11

Historic Park Avenue Part II: The Southern District
Queen Annes, Classical Revivals, and Stories of Their People
Date: Saturday, September 15


Don't Miss the Annual Northeast Dog Parade!

The Northeast Dog Parade departs Chute Square (across from Lunds) this Friday at 6:15pm.  This year, the new parade route ends at Wilde Roast Cafe, 65 Main Street SE.

There will be free gifts, refreshments, and exciting new features.  Also, prizes for Best Trick, Best Costume, and more.

NorthEast Dog Parade 2012


Tonight - Patio Party at The Depot

Time: 5:00pm

Location: The Depot, 225 3rd Avenue South

Meet your friends after work at the Stone Arch Bar and Patio at The Depot for their monthly Patio Party, featuring Skinny Girl flavored vodka, live DJ, Signature drinks, discounted appetizers, free Skinny Girl samples and prizes.


Week 11 at the 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Anyone who let the early rains keep them from the July 21 Market really missed out!

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Cooks at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Dogs at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Food at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Family Shots from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Flowers at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Food at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Family Shots from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Family Shots from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Crowd Shots from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Flowers at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Dogs at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Food at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Crowd Shots from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Family Shots from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Flowers at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Flowers at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Family Shots from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Flowers at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Food at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Cooks at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Mill City Cooks at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Produce from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Events from the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market

Flowers at the July 21, 2012 Mill City Farmers Market


Minneapolis Warehouse District Walking Tour With Preserve Minneapolis

We recently took the Minneapolis Warehouse District Walking Tour with Preserve Minneapolis.  Located just west of Hennepin Avenue in Downtown, the North Loop Warehouse District is Minnesota’s largest commercial historic district.  We began at the Truss bridge on Washington Avenue with guide Rolf Anderson.

The North Loop area served as the city’s warehouse and wholesaling district during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, expanding when Minneapolis became a major distribution and jobbing center for the upper Midwest.

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Out of all the interesting things we learned, what stood out the most for me were these wood pavers:

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis

Warehouse District Tour with Preserve Minneapolis


Got a Minneapolis City Service Request? There's an App For That!

From a July 18 City of Minneapolis News & Events Page posting:

Reporting potholes, graffiti, and broken street lights to the City of Minneapolis just got easier with today’s launch of the new Minneapolis 311 mobile application.

Minneapolis residents can now report issues to the City through a free app on their iPhone or Androiddevices without calling 311 or visiting the City’s website. Those who use Blackberry or Windows Phone devices can report service requests to Minneapolis 311 by visiting on their mobile browser. Ten service requests are available with the launch of the app and more will be added throughout the year as the seasons change. With the launch of the mobile app, folks will be able to report issues to Minneapolis 311 related to the following:

Abandoned vehicle - Graffiti - Parking meters - Parking violations - Potholes - Traffic signal timing - Broken street light - Traffic sign repair - Traffic signal trouble

More info and app download link.